When you get into an automobile accident, the damage doesn’t stop once your car is towed off to the shop. There’s a lot of headache considering the costs involved in getting your car repaired. The safest way in dealing with a collision on the road is to have your car inspected and repaired, so there’s […]
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It’s something that no one wants to think about, but collisions or fender benders are real hazards of being on the road that is smart to be prepared for. Road incidents can happen in a split-second. A momentary lapse in judgement—your own or another drivers’—is all it takes to cause damage. Either right as you […]
It’s nerve-wracking to get into an accident, and when it’s a small “fender bender,” your immediate thought is about the hassle of insurance and cost of repairs. Standard protocol calls for working with insurance companies, but sometimes there are certain circumstances that, depending on the accident and the other person involved, may be easier to […]